


To enter colleges in America or England, one may have to take the TOEFL iBT
(Test of English as a Foreign Language).

Students who have not studied English for more than 7 years and/or immigrated to the
United States after the 7th grade can apply to take this test.

Starting in November 2006, the test format changed from CBT (Computer Based Test:
Best score 300) to IBT (Internet Based Test: Best score 120). IBT TOEFL iBT can be taken at an
ETS Test Center where the student uses a computer to take the test. A student is tested on
4 different skills. The test will take about 4 hours to finish and the cost is $150 per test.

Testing time is divided for each subject as follows:
Listening (60~90min), Reading (60~100min), Speaking (20min), Writing (50min).

Internet Based Test (iBT) Computer Based Test (CBT)
120 300
120 297
119 293 Paper Based Test (PBT)
118 290 677
117 287 673
116 283 670
114-115 280 667
113 277 660-663
111-112 273 657
110 270 650-653
109 267 647
106-108 263 640-643
105 260 637
103-104 257 630-633
101-102 253 623-627
100 250 617-620
98-99 247 613
96-97 243 607-610
94-95 240 600-603
92-93 237 597
90-91 233 590-593
88-89 230 587
86-87 227 580-583
84-85 223 577
83 220 570-573
81-82 217 567
79-80 213 563
77-78 210 557-560
76 207 553
74-75 203 550

The main difference between IBT and CBT is that unlike the CBT, the IBT doesn’t put emphasis
on structures. Instead, speaking skills are tested. Through this test, students’ real time
communication skills are tested. Because Asian students consider speaking to be their weakest
point, it is important for them to practice and to be able to communicate with an English-
speaking person. Throughout this process, student’s pronunciation, grammar, and sentence
building skills can be improved. If one scores 100 out of 120, he/she passes the test.
Y2 Academy is one of ETS’s official TOEFL iBT testing centers.