
Online Registration & Payment

Online Payment is prepared to pay tuition by credit card remotely and conveniently. As soon as you complete this payment process as seen below, you will get emailed back with an appreciation receipt promptly.

Location to register* Class to register*
Class Days Class Time
Student First Name * Student Last Name *
Date of Birth (MM/DD/YY) * Gender
Boy Girl
School Name * Grade *
Student Phone * (ex: 123-456-7890) Student's Email *
Parent/Payer Phone * (ex: 123-456-7890) Parent/Payer Email *
Parent/Payer Name * Relation to Parent/Payer *
Student Address * Country
State City
Zip * How did you hear about us? *

Tuition Amount including Everything Promotional Discount
Online Payment Discount Paid Amount *
Tuition Amount including Everything Promotional Discount
Online Payment Discount Paid Amount *
Cardholder Name * Paid Date
Card details

If your payment is denied, it may be caused by the amount that would be higher than other payments you used to pay as usual. In that case, you may need to contact your credit card company so as to get permission to pay for the payment successfully.